Monday, December 6, 2010

Breaded Chicken

I had a bag of chicken leg meat in the freezer and a can of bread crumbs...what should I do with them? Make breaded chicken!! :D 

My first attempt and it was delicious!!

Have 1/2 cup of fluor, 2 beaten eggs, and 1 cup+ of bread crumbs in three separate bowls.
Cut the chicken leg meat into pieces, season with salt and pepper. 
Dip in bowl of fluor, shake of excess fluor back into the bowl.
Dip in bowl of eggs, let excess liquid drip back to the bowl.
Dip in bread crumbs and cover completely. 

Heat up pan. Add oil. Place the chicken on the pan one by one. Make sure it's in low-medium heat otherwise the bread crumbs will burn. Cook until it's golden brown, flip and cook the other side. Cook til it's done. Wa-lah! 

[picture not available] but it looks like chicken nuggets!! Mmmmm 

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